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We can organise funeral services not only at our own facilities or at a place of worship but also at other venues, including community centres, clubs or even private homes. Depending on the extent to which you would like us to become involved, we can coordinate all the details or simply assist you, leaving you free to organise the service as you wish.

Honour the memory of a loved one in a setting that is both sumptuous and intimate with a service featuring our highest standards of quality. Our professionalism and know-how make the Centre funéraire simplicité a dignified enterprise; our goal is not to create public division but rather to offer an opportunity to families that wish to pay a final simple but inspired homage to their loved one. Regardless of your budget, our mission is to help families honour the unique life of their loved one and to create a homage that also addresses the emotional needs of the people they leave behind.

The objective of Centre funéraire Simplicité in Rimouski is to offer the public the best possible prices, without hidden fees. It’s normal to wonder how this new concept can be available at such low rates that no competitor can beat. Here are a few answers to your questions…

  • There is no funeral fleet, which is costly to support;
  • Very low building maintenance costs;
  • No administrative fees;
  • No coffin inventory to support;
  • Staff paid on an appointment basis only;
  • Intimate facilities with low fixed costs;
  • No cost associated with operating an embalming room;
  • No costly purchases associated with operating a funerary estate;
  • Vast purchasing power thanks to an established network;
  • Parking fees covered fully by the Centre funéraire Bissonnette;
  • No facilities to support other than the one located at 91 rue Ste-Thérèse;

Our offer is transparent; you can visit our website to learn more about our funeral home and about the full range of funerary services and products we offer.

Produits et services


Choosing a coffin or an urn is a very personal decision so we offer a range of options that will meet the unique expectations of each individual or family.



To make things easier for you, our staff will be there to assist you as you take care of the formalities associated with a death. Here is a list of the documents to bring with you when you meet our staff.